Laverne Golf & Country Club
Laverne Golf & Country Club
Membership Application
Primary Member’s Name: __________________________
Address: ________________________________________
City: _________________ State:______ Zip: ___________
Birth date :( mo/day/year) ________________
Home phone :(_____)__________Email:_______________
Payment Information
â–¡ Annual Membership $540.00
Payment Options:
Monthly $45.00
Cart Shed $20.00
** (Monthly payments by bank draft at Security State Bank-Laverne) **
** If not drafting you can write a check, Payment due quarterly, every six months or in full annually
Please List additional family name(s) that will be on the membership:
Name: Relationship:
______________________________________________ ______________
______________________________________________ ______________
______________________________________________ ______________
Total Amount Enclosed ____________
Please put Application in green box or take to David Terry’s CPA office